YORKTOWN Athletics
Home of the Patriots
Greenbrier Stadium is located in the 2700 block of North Greenbrier Street in Arlington, Virginia. There is a parking lot at the corner of N Greenbrier St and 28th Street North, as well as ample parking around the school. Restricted parking is also available on surrounding neighborhood streets.
Please keep in mind that high school competitions are intended to provide a framework in which our student athletes learn valuable lessons about ethics, integrity and respect. Help us uphold a first-class environment by displaying a high level of sportsmanship and practicing ROO: Respect Officials and Opponents while attending events.
High school contests are family events. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants and guests, we ask for your assistance by observing the following policies:
Children age twelve and under must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
No skate boarding or ball playing by spectators is permitted inside the stadium.
Climbing or walking on the retaining walls is prohibited.
Only authorized personnel are permitted in the Press Box or on the field at any time. Only players, coaches, managers, officials, athletic trainers, and school representatives are permitted on or inside the track. One photographer per team may stand on the track to take photographs.
No fans will be permitted on the field before or at the end of the game.
Per Northern Region Policy, fans may not exit and re-enter the stadium.
Help keep Greenbrier GREEN by recycling and placing all trash in appropriate containers.
Artificial noisemakers are not permitted, out of respect for our close neighbors.
Be respectful of fellow fans by not standing at the railing directly in front of the bleachers.
The school dress code applies at all school events.
Individuals who are disruptive, disrespectful, or who fail to comply with stadium policies may be asked to leave the facility.