No team summary for this season.
Liberty Conference 6 Championship Meet
Updated on 06/10/2022
The order of events and tentative time schedule for the Liberty Conference 6 Championship Outdoor Track & Field Meet at South Lakes High School on Tuesday & Wednesday, 5/17-18/16 has been added to "team files". Questions please e-mail
Liberty Conference 6 Championship Meet - update
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Liberty Conference Indoor Track and Field Championship will be held tomorrow, Friday, 2/5. A tentative meet schedule may be found on "team files". Student-athletes and student helpers have been instructed to check in with their first period teacher at 8:19 a.m. and will be excused at 8:25 a.m. with a bus time from the cafeteria at 8:30 a.m. This is an excused absence. The meet will be held at the Prince George's Sports and Learning Complex (PGSLC) in Landover, MD; adjacent to FedEx Field. Directions may be found on the PGSLC website. Parking will be in Lot D of FedEx Field parking lot. Student-athletes may leave the meet with their parents upon completion of their events. Practice times and locations for those advancing from the conference meet to the regional meet will be announced on Monday, 2/8.
Liberty Conference 6 Championship Meet - 2/5/16
Updated on 06/10/2022
After several postponements the Liberty Conference Indoor Track and Field Championship has been rescheduled for Friday, 2/5. The time schedule and lineup have been posted on "team files". The lineup is complete with the exception of the boys 1600 meter relay which has as yet to be determined. We will discuss bus time and class dismissal next week at practice. There will be practice on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 p.m. Relay alternates and student helpers will be contacted during the week in regard to their role in the meet. Questions - please call 703-228-5384 or e-mail
Liberty Conference Meet - One Day Event
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Liberty Conference Meet will be a one-day event on Friday, February 5 with details to follow as they become available.
"Miscellaneous information"
Updated on 06/10/2022
1 - This information is being sent to all who have subscribed to e-mail alerts for "CoEd Varsity Cross Country", "CoEd Indoor Track", "Boys - Indoor Track" and "Girls - Indoor Track. We are experiencing a situation similar to that of the cross-country season where our e-mail alerts are sent to the "CoEd" listing only. Thus, if you've signed up for e-mail alerts from "Boys - Indoor Track" and/or "Girls - Indoor Track", please take the time to sign up for "CoEd Indoor Track". This is the only time alerts will be sent to the gender specific teams as all future e-mail alerts in regard to indoor track will be sent to "CoEd Indoor Track" only.
2 - Posted to "Team Files" are the following: 1) Order of Events, 2) Meet schedule - currently lists regular season meets only as invitationals will be added later this week, 3) Indoor meet and practice schedule
3 - Bus transportation is provided to all regular season meets which occur at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center (TJCC) in Arlington. Buses leave YHS from Door # 13 at 4:30 p.m. and return to the school after the meet. Doors to TJCC open at 5:00 p.m. and admission is $5.00 per person. The order of events and other information in regard to Friday meets is posted on "Team Files".
4 - All schools are asked to provide three timers per meet to help with meet management. Shifts for timing are from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. A great way to meet other parents and to see the meet from another perspective. If you would like to help please e-mail or call. Timers do not pay admission fee.
5 - Any questions about indoor track, please call or e-mail