No team summary for this season.
Winter Sports Tryouts Begin November 8, 2021
Updated on 06/10/2022
Winter sports tryouts/practices will begin Monday, November 8 and continue through the first week. Teams with tryouts typically conduct a minimum of three days of tryouts followed by daily practices. Please note November 11 is a school holiday but tryouts and practices will take place.
Information on exact tryout times for each sport will be posted in mid-late October.
All winter sports athletes need to complete a VHSL physical and APS co-curricular agreement and must provide proof of full vaccination. Students who are not vaccinated, as well as those playing indoor sports wishing to not wear a mask during activities, will need to be tested daily for COVID. Testing is available onsite during lunch and immediately after school. More information on the testing program and the registration link can be found here.