YORKTOWN Athletics
Home of the Patriots
CoEd - Swim & Dive
Team News.
1 year ago @ 6:53PM
Winter sports begin as early as Monday, November 6 for basketball, wrestling, swim/dive, rifle and gymnastics. Cheer and track begin on Monday, November 13 with winter crew conditioning beginning on Thursday, November 16.
All students must register at least two days in advance of tryouts to participate. Registration is done online only - no paper forms accepted.
The tryout schedule for the first few days can be accessed here. Please note tryouts can extend all week for some sports so students should be available through Saturday, Nov. 11 for tryouts. Tuesday and Friday are no school for students but tryouts will be held on those days.
2.0 years ago @ 10:12PM
Tryouts for the 2022-23 season will begin on November 7 and continue the first week with daily events. Please note November 8 and 11 are both student holidays but there will be tryouts and practices on these days.
Full details about winter sports tryouts and schedules will be available in mid-October.
All students will need a current year VHSL physical with APS co-curricular agreement form on file in the Activities Office at Yorktown in order to tryout/practice. Completed forms can be emailed to yhsphysicals@apsva.us prior to the start of winter sports
2.0 years ago @ 11:17AM
Green days are optional off-season skill development sessions. All Yorktown 9th-12th graders are welcome at Green Days and must have a valid current-year VHSL physical on file in the YHS Activities office (dated after May 1, 2022).
Swim and Dive - (all current 9th-12th) - Optional conditioning will be held in the weight room on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45-7:45 am as well as most Saturdays from 8:30-9:30 am. Contact Coach Torey Ortmayer to register if you are not already receiving email information regarding swim/dive at torin.ortmayer@apsva.us