YORKTOWN Athletics
Home of the Patriots
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Team News.
2.0 years ago @ 4:53PM
Below is the schedule for the week of tryouts (Please note: In order to participate, we MUST have a physical on file before attending. Please send your physical paperwork to yhsphysicals@apsva.us):
Monday, 8/1 - Freshmen tryouts 3:30-5:30pm, JV/Varsity tryouts 6-8pm
Tuesday, 8/2 - Freshmen tryouts 3:30-5:30pm, JV/Varsity tryouts 6-8pm
Wednesday, 8/3 - Freshmen tryouts 3:30-5:30pm, JV/Varsity tryouts 6-8pm (Last day of Varsity tryouts)
Thursday, 8/4 - Freshmen tryouts 3:30-5:30pm, JV tryouts 6-8pm, Varsity practice 6-8pm (Last day or JV tryouts)
Friday, 8/5 - Freshmen tryouts 3:30-5:30pm (Last day of Freshmen tryouts), Parent meeting 6-7pm, Lock-in 7-9:30pm
Starting Monday, 8/8 - Freshmen will practice 3:30-5:30pm daily, JV and Varsity will practice 6-8pm daily.
There will also be activities that could occur outside of these "regular" practice time slots to include:
- morning conditioning (mandatory for Varsity) two times a week before school starts
- positional training at least one day a week
- weigh lifting
- team bonding