YORKTOWN Athletics
Home of the Patriots
Girls - Crew
Team News.
2.0 months ago @ 10:11AM
For planning purposes, many winter sports will begin Monday, November 11 which is a school holiday. Others will begin over the next ten days. A detailed tryout schedule will be available in mid-October but some information is posted at this continually updated link.
Students must register online in order to participate and the signed doctor's page must be dated after May 1, 2024 to participate in fall sports tryouts.
1 year ago @ 10:45PM
Spring sports will begin on Monday, February 19 which is a school holiday. A more detailed tryout schedule will be released by February 1 but all sports except outdoor track should expect to have tryouts beginning Monday and continuing throughout the week.
In order to participate in tryouts or any off-season activities, students must be registered online. Paper VHSL physical forms are no longer accepted, however, the signed doctor's physical page must be uploaded as part of the online registration. Students who don't attend Yorktown (middle school, HB, ACC, etc) will need to email Mary Ann Mahan at maryann.mahan@apsva.us to be added to the registration system before registering online.
Families are encouraged to signup for Team App to receive sport-specific information as it becomes available.
1 year ago @ 6:53PM
Winter sports begin as early as Monday, November 6 for basketball, wrestling, swim/dive, rifle and gymnastics. Cheer and track begin on Monday, November 13 with winter crew conditioning beginning on Thursday, November 16.
All students must register at least two days in advance of tryouts to participate. Registration is done online only - no paper forms accepted.
The tryout schedule for the first few days can be accessed here. Please note tryouts can extend all week for some sports so students should be available through Saturday, Nov. 11 for tryouts. Tuesday and Friday are no school for students but tryouts will be held on those days.